Remote viewing, Intelligence and Osama.
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03-27-2006, 10:57 PM
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Nov 2005
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What I have read about OBEs and Remote Viewing makes me very sceptical about their existence. If someone could really do it there would be proof. I am not dissing those who say it may be possible, it may be, but I personally find the whole concept quite unrealistic.
Maybe Projectors are just dreaming so strongly that there is a temporary switch over from consciousness centered in the "awake" brain to consciousness centered in the "sleeping" brain. Since we mostly dream of real places or things and not kaliedescopes of light we may actually think we are in control of the sleeping state/awake and that would be true for us.
The mind can be fooled and sometimes it can fool itself. No one who has been brainwashed (by others or himself) ever admits to its truth. I think AP is just another form of mental activity which is rare enough to "seem" other worldly.
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