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Old 01-25-2006, 09:47 PM   #4

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Oct 2005
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Can you explain in more detail? What happened when you imaged the doorway?
I think the card I used was a red triangle on a white background. I stared at the card long enough for it to leave an imprint on my eyes.
I closed my eyes and visualised the imprint as a door (Trying to change the complementary colour back to red), trying to reinforce this I sort of mixed a visual and tactile visualisation of my arm going out, taking hold of a door handle and then opening the door.
I pictured the door getting larger as I got closer; I stepped through it and shut it behind me.
I think I had to repeat this visualisation a few times to reinforce it enough. Then a solid visualisation appeared. I was still in my bedroom with body awareness but I was in this new place too. It seemed to be a labyrinth of some sort, with blue tiled walls. As I walked around there were large bubbles/orbs (Around 2 foot diameter) floating around head level. They had objects, and symbols inside them. The ones I remember seemed to contain bright green leaves.
I just wandered around for a while before leaving.

That night I had a lucid dream too centred on such a door way. But the doorway disappeared and I remember worrying that I might be stuck there (I thought I was in the astral planes in the lucid dream).

The symbols on the cards supposedly have meanings behind them to do with tides in the astral.
flnastyax is offline


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