Subtle Bodies
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01-07-2006, 01:26 AM
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Oct 2005
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Aunt Clair,
thank you very much for your reply.
Personally I am most interested in the Real-time zone, cause, as you said, one can talk to others about these experiences.
I usually feel both bodies simultaniously for some time, a strange and a bit confusing sensation. I even mix them up sometimes, I remember I once was facing the window in my subtle body and tried to open up those eyes - but turned out to use the physical ones. So all my feeling and touch told me something different than my eyes looking at the ceiling instead, lol.
I do not recall colours floating or seeing people's aura so I guess it is not the astral.
I don't know the official definition but for me "lucid" dreams are those I know are dreams while dreaming. That does not always mean I can take control over the dream, though. And sometimes I seem to have an immense control over the dream while not aware that I am dreaming... I guess I gonna start a thread over at the lucid dream board about this ... ;
I read about the Library but I do not think I have visited any of those places.
I once dreamed about falling into an abyss but there was an archeological site down there. They were digging out some starship and I suddenly remembered (in the dream) that it was *my* starship and that I had forgotten it. I tried to reenter it but could not recall the right code, lol. I was very disappointed waking from this particular dream as I love science fiction.
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