Subtle Bodies
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01-09-2006, 01:30 AM
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Oct 2005
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Hi Aunt Clair,
thank you again
I think I would like to try it with Bronwyn, if she agrees, but I fear I am not yet develloped enough. I don't have much time for trance and my meditation technique is reduced to mindfullness most of the time as it can be done whole day and night. So I guess I first have to devellop my OBE to become clairvoyance. I think Bronwyn is much more clairvoyant already.
Aunt Clair, I don't know how this clairvoyance works. Does one need a permission? Or is it a curtesy? In any case, you have my permission, if you are curious - just tell me what you find out. I promised myself to understand some things first before I jump into it head over heels again
I have - of course - still some questions. You wrote that one can see the energy of a person in the astral. What about the color? Does the color of the energy (aura?) depend on the person who is seen or on the person who sees?
I have also a question about the abyss. I once had a very strange dream (downward movement, sensing two beings hidden behind a curtain/wall, sensing a dialogue but without a language, sudden recognition that one of them was the devil (the other seemed a kind of minion, etc) , and I wonder if this was the Abyss. Can you give me a description? For me there are still many questions open about this dream - especially as some mediums I talked to said that a telephatic communication usually means a real spirit contact in contrast to normal dreaming.
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