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Old 12-12-2005, 09:34 PM   #2

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Oct 2005
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I have been doing it since I was a little girl but mostly thought it was lucid dreams- until I went somewhere (a party) told my mom and she verified what happened there, who was there, what people were wearing, etc. That made me (and my mom, much to my relief)realize that I had an OBE. After that she bought books about it and we both read up on it. I continued to project and went into possibly the astral planes but never told anyone about it (for years, until I was grown up, when I read about them and knew it was a phenomenom others experienced). When I had recently married (a long time ago) I had one where I floated to my husband's workplace and saw him doing something in particular that wasn't his job. Upon awakening I immediately called him and he verified what he was doing- so I knew I had done it again. A couple of years ago, when my son was 2 or 3 we had planted some seeds, and a few weeks later I popped out again and floated around the kitchen, and I was attracted to the seed flats. Then I saw what had to be the most amazing thing- I could see in the flat these little plants- but they were glowing in the dark with this beautiful greenish white glow. I was so excited! The next morning we got up and I saw they had sprouted. This particular instance certainly didn't prove anything but it moved me more than the other stuff I have seen while projecting.
My point is that if you subscribe to the theory that you create everything you perceive, then the "objectivity" of an OBE isn't really that important; but the experience is it's own reward.
My other point is that if you are doing it sooner or later it will be verified by some other observer, or you will see something that will make you realize that the experience was "real".
I hope I didn't sound preachy.
layevymed is offline


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