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Old 01-09-2006, 10:17 PM   #11

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Originally Posted by Matt My recent RVing experiments suggest that it's for real, I'm getting pretty good reliability by using OBEs to view an object I have in a jar which others have seen but I have not. ... jsp?t=6503 ... jsp?t=6258
Interesting site and post ty
How did you get the percentage of accuracy ?
How did you know it was not either 100% or 0 % ? What I do is make a list of the attributes I think the target object has and assign a 'sureness' score to it. Some attributes seem really strong but others are more just guess so they get smaller sureness scores.

When I find out what the object is I go back and mark how correct each attribute was. Most of the time the correctness is 0% or 100% but sometimes it's in between. For instance in RV2 the object was an allen wrench and I said it was pointy. It does feel pointy on the ends because the wrench is small and the metal is narrow. But it's not sharpened. So it's pointy but not pointed. I gave that one a 30% sureness and 30% correctness.

Multiplying them gave 9% score for its contribution to the overall accuracy. I tally up an average of the accuracy scores, then do a similar process for the completeness data which is made up of all the data I should have collected about the target.

For instance if I'm viewing the Eiffel tower I might say it's metal but nothing else. In that case my accuracy would be 100% but my completeness score might be only 2% because there are a lot of other things that I could have said about the Eiffel tower.

Once I have the total accuracy score and the total completeness score I multiply them together to get the final reliability score. So final reliability can be in between 0% and 100% either because the guessed attributes were not totally accurate or not totally complete

I'm running an online remote viewing experiment here:

The objects I pick are always relatively simple shapes and sometimes people get really close. If you'd like to make a guess, go for it! You don't have to get a login on the site or anything, you can post anonymously
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