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Old 01-06-2006, 02:41 PM   #6

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Are they bright, florescent, or are they just normal colors?
Here is a link to a description of colours on other planes .
The higher planes are the spiritual realms . These have normal colours and seem like physical places with normal constraints like walls and floors and gravity . Here are cool links to a Shamballah video by James Hurtak et al author of Keys of Enoch Book of Knowledge

The "highest plane" is variable according to ability and experience
Franz Bardon was not able to cross the abyss
that is the last he wrote about before his death

Robert Monroe died before he got to the "universal mind" but his institute continues to map beyond that level

The highest I have read about is the 15th dimension but i am not sure i agree with the labeling yet .Here is a correspondence chart i have authored with dimensions compared to Monrovian Focus Levels .

Temple on the Core LHP
secret "invisible" and "hidden" realms
crown above the crown
hidden sepiroth
wheel of the pyramids RHP
across the abyss to the next wheel of life
13The Other side of the Cone of Consciousness
Operation of Ley Lines of Infinity on the Grids and the Tunnels of Eternity

12Universal Mind Focus 34-35 is the locale having group consciousness
---Devic Chambers
---Human made spirit homes Focus 27: Afterlife free will resembling earth---Ashrams of other worlds ie Reptilians beyond the trajectory of Ursa Major

11Window on Edge of Universe
---Entrance to Hells for Students of the Occult
----Plane of Heavens Focus 24,25,26: Belief Territories of Afterlifers
---Human and Spirit cooperative Manifestations of Metaphysical Colleges
---Temples of Wisdom
---Gates of Death Focus 23: "stuck" confused unaware ghosts

10 Plane of Elementals , Devas ,Thrones , the Vortex , Elohim Council
---Human Manifestations ie ashrams of live humans
---Called the Pleaides lies on a trajectory off that star group in Taurus
---Called Sirius lies on a trajectory off this star Focus 21:edge of time/space - contact other energy systems.

9 Blue Lodge of what is called the Arcturians of Sirius

8 Group Monadic Soul - Meeting Higher Self
--Temple of Zodiac and Great Clock Focus 15: State of no time

7 Logoic -Shamballah --Temples of Light
---Ashrams of Chohans Great Pyramid

6 Golden Chamber of Melchiezedek

5 Monadic- work with guides , mahatma , chohans and archangels
-- Astral Hall of Learning – Spiritual King’s Chamber over Luxor
- Focus 12: A state of expanded awareness

4 Astral
High Astral Focus 11: conscious projection with recall
Lower Astral Focus 10: Mind Awake/Body Asleep

3 Physical Focus 3: increased mental coherency and balance

2 Totemic Earth Wisdom Lower Plane

1 Lower Plane of Chaos and “Hell on Earth ”

Here are some links : ... hrams.msnw
Ascension seat King's Chamber Great Pyramid of Giza for stabilization after the7th and for the 5th Initiation ... mentv.msnw
about universal path ... page2.msnw
this is a copy of the mumbo jumbo which does work very effectively authored by Dr. Joshua David Stone ... snw?&pps=k
look at the preparation class documents on this link above ... ments.msnw
look at the 6th meditation document

My suggested method to project to realms is to sit in meditation
in an open circle until you learn projection and clairvoyance
all of us can learn this it is like walking and talking
it is a normal part of the human growth pattern
after you learn these basic skills then go to a closed circle
or form one of your own
and the higher energy will allow you as a group to project
on a group merkabah to any realm of your choice
they are open to all

once you get to the 5th dimension then 6 is easy
after you get up to any higher realm
you can then access it as often as you like
you can learn to manifest a vortex and travel to realms alone
eventually going by will to the realms you have already visited
tigoCeree is offline


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