Astral Projection Side Effects
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05-17-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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I don't know what the side effects are, but ever since I had my first OBE I have had a couple of odd things happen to me. once I saw a disembodieds face looking at me while I was laying down to go to sleep, I had my eyes closed and then it just appeared as if I was seeing it. this scared me and I opened my eyes and a look of shock went onto the face and it slowly dissapeared over a couple of seconds, this could be explained as a random bout of astral sight and someone intruding into my room, and or a ghost who I just happned to see.
I also had one time when the moon was supposed to be going thru an eclips, and I was laying down in bed thinking to myself, I wonder what it will look like (cause it was only suppose to be a partial I think) and as soon as I finshed the thought I suddenly saw the moon as if I was ontop of my roof looking at it. this might have been remote viewing.
then the really scary one. I started hearing voices back in 2001, and back when they had a good hold over me they told me to go into my bathroom and keep the lights off and look into the mirror with my eyes closed. I did this, and there before me stood the image of death (you know european death (skeleton, black cloak and scyth). now this scared me alot but for some reason I stood my ground. Death (if it was him) pulled back his scyth and hit me square in the cheast with it. and it was as if it passed thru me and then hit something deep inside of me (felt like a cord) and it rebounded off of it. at this point I was terrified and ran from the room half wondering if I was dead.
I talked to a friend of my fathers about this, and she reasured me thats pretty much deaths way of saying hello and letting you know it's not your time. and looking back on the incident when she told me, I vaguly recall death nodding at me as I turned to run.
so I guess you could call those side effects, not that I'm saying you'll meet death. but I'm pretty sure the remote viewing and the astral sight even though it was all spontanious are something steming from I assume from my first spontanouis OBE, cause it all started afterwards.
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