personal confirmation of the mind split theory
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05-30-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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personal confirmation of the mind split theory
I had a particularly powerfull partial OBE some years ago in which i experienced the mind-split effect described in Astral Dynamics.In November of 97,I was laying on my back in bed preparing to go to sleep,when instead of actually losing conciousness, I found myself paralyzed,unable to move,with extremely strong,heavy vibrations coursing throught my body.The feeling was not unlike that of a limb falling asleep,except this was the whole body.this was actually not unusual,it recurred frequently throughout my teens and twenties,and i understood what it meant:that an OBE was close to ocurring.When i was younger,I was a little nervous about following through with it,so when this would happen i would usually just abort it by forcing myself out of it.By my late twenties I was considerably less paranoid about it and this was something I wanted to learn to control,and use, so this time i reolved to stop being a wimp and follow through with it.I lay for some moments in this state of paralysis,when i heard my phone ringing.(this was around 4 in the morning.)It sounded loud,clear and exactly like my phone,and it would definitely have broken the trance except there was one major difference:instead of a broken,intermittent ring,it rang as one long,continuous unbroken ring.This tipped me off that it was a hallucination and to ignore it.As i lay there,I atempted to move the vibrations up and down my body,head to foot,like a full body bouncing action.As soon as i started to do this,a loud humming noise began,increasing steadily in frequency,until it progressed into a high pitched whining noise,and continued to go higher in frequency until i could no longer perceive it.Simultaneously,the vibrations inceased in frequency,becoming finer and finer until i could not really feel them anymore.At this point i had a significant feeling of disasociation from the physical.At that point i imagined myself in the cockpit of an F16 fighter jet tearing down the runway,pulling back the stick and taking off at a high rate of speed.When i did this i suddenly had a very real,very physicalized tangible sensation of floating up throught the top of my head.I figured i was out,but i could not see,so I opened what i thought were my astral eyes.Big mistake.My eyes opened physically,as well as astrally,and something happened that amazed me- I was fully concious and aware of lying face up,physically,in bed on my back,and seeing the room from that perspective.At the exact same time, i was also fully concious and aware of being halfway out of my body,through the top of my head , in an upright position,and perceiving the room from that angle.I was fully aware and concious of being in two places at exactly the same time.I should mention that this experience was absolutely as real as everyday waking reality,at no time during this episode had i ever lost conciousness .Unfortunately,this did not last long,because as soon as i opened my eyes i was helplessly pulled back downwards into my body .I tried to fight it in order to stay out,but to no avail.when i re-entered, i was still fully concious but paralyzed,with an extremely lethargic feeling,like i had been anasthetized.I then had another interesting experience:apparently,during the re-entry,i had displaced my astral legs causing them to bend upwards at the knees.therfor, i was physically laying on my back with my legs out straight,but at the same time my astral knees were bent coming out of my physical body.I distinctly perceived my astral legs as bluish-white in color,and i could feel my physical legs along with my astral legs:the feeling was exactly like the time when i was younger and i had to have surgery on both feet at once - this required me to wear a cast on both legs at once for 2 weeks.That was exactly what my physical legs felt like:heavy,unnatural,with a distinct impression of them being hollow,just like plaster casts.Finally,figuring the experience was over, i rolled over onto my stomach to go to sleep.Apparantly,my astral body was still loose because when i did i got another powerful feeling of duality:i was aware of laying face down physically,but at the same time i was still lying face up in the same space,as i had been before.The thing is,although the bilocation experience fascinated me intensely,i never really thought much about it or questioned it like i guess i should have- my understanding of astral projection at that time was that the soul completetly exits the body temporarily -( i had no idea of the different levels of the human soul or the mind split at that time. )It should have begged the question:if i was out of my body,how could i also been aware simultaneously of being in it and having both perspectives at exactly the same time? it was only after i read Astral Dynamics that i suddenly understood,and i almost jumped out of my chair when i read the chapter on the mind-split condition! At this point i knew that this author had written something amazing and unprecedented.
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