personal confirmation of the mind split theory
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04-01-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Many thanks for this post, skywheels! Excellent to have this input and in such detail... it helped remind me of similar experiences I had at the beginning of my OBEs. We need more shared reports like these here on these pages. Some of these freaky half-assed fumbling about episodes that we all have had are actually important learning experiences and point clearly to the processes going on, if only we could see clearly at the time!
Your description of the body vibrations and 'sound' frequencies both rising until they aren't perceived was spot on. A perfect description! The two perspectives at once is something that happens alot more than we realise - which I was reminded of thanks to you! I get this sometimes on awakening out of very deep sleep - it's the confusion effect you get where you can't quite drag your point of view back to your body and see two versions of everything. Its easy to explain it away as being 'cross eyed'. This is why we don't remember it... I also have had it when very young and day dreaming, and also especially with high fevers during flus and colds. (Also with the latter, feelings of being very big or very small...)
During one of my early 'etheric limbs free of physical body' episodes years ago, I remember putting my arm through the wall next to my bed, and also decided to put my fingers through my physical skull to feel my brain underneath! You can tell how daftly curious I am - that the second thing I would think of to do would be THAT!
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