Question about Phasing
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10-09-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Dear Major Tom,
Mostly I mentally project and orb. With my OBE experiences I had assumed that my lack of sometimes sensing exit sensations was due to the state of relaxation I had reached. Have had spontaneous projections where I instantly found myself in places in the astral without sensing exit. I guess this is phasing rather than an OBE. Also, have had OBEs where I experienced varying amounts of vibration (mostly a whirling spinning feeling on exit for me). Assumed it possible not to have any exit sensations on OBE.
I think download is still an issue for OBEers due to the mind split phenomena which Robert talks about. I feel mixing of OBE and dream can happen. This would be similar to having a physical sound in a room which your conscious mind hears being included in your dream so that you are less likely to wake up. Most people have experienced this (I think?) where what is going on in our room where we sleep is mixed into the dream. I think the same thing can happen with OBE and dream. For example: If we have OBE exit sensations or flying sensations I think these get mixed into dream on occasion. I lucid dream almost every night. Am getting pretty good at differentiating between projection and lucid dreaming. Though I do note cross overs or mixing occurring. This is just an attempt to try to explain this. Again...this is just my guess on things.
Thank you for your informative and very interesting post.
Best Regards,
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