Question about Phasing
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01-07-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Dear ALL,
All I can hope is that this thread has been a learning experience for everyone. This is US vs. THEM at its finest hour - sad indeed.
First it starts out with someone making a negative comment about another person Frank. Then what happens? To defend Frank someone decides they must do their best to find something negative to say about the person they feel is on the other side of the the US vs. THEM battle --Robert. Now I am sure David Mustardseed did not expect it to go that way but I am not surprised at all. Then it compounds as people react and attempt to defend Robert. Reaction creates even more reaction. Best to cool off everyone and if you can it would likely be helpful to self reflect on the waste of time reaction and defense is. It only entrenches warring sides and listening stopped even before the argument started. Partial listening may occur but usually only enough to find yet another thing to draw into the mix. Is this valuable? Maybe to some but no fun to most.
Defense externalizes and distracts. Even governments use war to distract their population for internal issues the country is facing. Hopefully, everyone involved sees the futility in all this. NO ONE is perfect or will fit everyone elses perfect paradigm or ideal of perfection. NO ONE person will suceed in universal agreement of human perfection.
If I remember correctly David you are a Christian? Then you will be well aquainted with the saying, "He without sin cast the first stone." In US vs. THEM senerio this biblical statement should be broadened to He without sin and whose friends and those he respects are without sin cast the first stone. Hatfields vs. the McCoys is a classic example. This is why Don and other moderators felt uncomfortable that tone of the thread and about this incarnation of it as well. (Seriously I did accidentally erase the initial thread unitentionally but none of the mods were sad to see it gone.)
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