a couple of questions...
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04-12-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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a couple of questions...
I've had a few spontaneous OBEs.
at least I think I have.
I thought I'd maybe explain what happened just to make sure that I was on the right track.
the first one, I was walking outside and all of a sudden I was
behind and above
myself...and I was just watching myself. but I was still talking...the self that was on the ground, but I wasn't really deciding what I was saying, since I wasn't actually in that body. it was sort of like I was on autopilot.
that one I was pretty sure was acutally an OBE. that's happened to me a couple times.
the one I was MUCH more unsure about was this:
I had a dream once that I was in one of my teachers houses, and when I told her about it the next day, I had gotten everything right, down to the color and number of phones in her house, and the color of the walls and such. I wasn't sure what this was, so I asked a friend of mine who is also interested in astral projection and I was told that it might have been an OBE, but they weren't sure.
any thoughts?
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