I had a few experiences where I´m leaving the body but I seem to be stuck in the past. I tried to increase my level of conciousness right after leaving the body (although I think I had a lucid dream instead) by asking what I was doing before I felt asleep, the thing is that I found myself back in the past without realising it and my mind tricked me into giving a false answer. I could move physical objects and surf on the internet. I went downstairs and moving things with my hands or using telekinisis so the my family would belive a ghost was in the house. After that I used the internet to write down my experiences while still in OBE mode so I would have proof when I woke up. When I had enough I yelled wake up!! which I did but in my apartment which I own today and not my parents house which I used to live in years before. Would you categorize this as a Lucid dream or is there some level of OBE in it? And what is the best question to ask yourself in order to raise your level of counciousness?