Darkness and Light
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06-27-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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The mind has an annoying habit of causing things to happen which are the opposite to that which you wish to happen in the astral/dream realms. When I talk about communicating to the unconscious non verbally I am not talking about affirmation, more just like 'sending a wish' ask as if you know it is already there. I had experience of this before when I became very proficient at lucid dreaming in that I would experiment to try to get things to happen and change scenery etc and I found that when trying too hard the opposite would tend to happen...For instance I would come to a door and in theory you should just be able to walk through it but for some reason it would be get round this I would expect to find a key in my pocket...I would then reach in and there it would be! allowing me access through the door.
Another thing I use is my dream staff... It is like a real life magic wand, I collect a branch from a tree (whichever wood has properties you like) I then dry it and sand it down smooth, and imbedded a crystal in the end. I would then sleep with it by my bed and once awake in the dream I would collect it and use it to create things I wanted in my dreams or to banish characters I did not want or open doors....bring light ...or whatever you want it to may take some practice to get it to do what you want but its definately a worthwhile thing to do...try it!
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