Body Loosening (New Technique)
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04-15-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Body Loosening (New Technique)
I only recently returned to astral projection after a inexplicable loss of interest for a period of years. In my early twenties I was able to project instantly almost at will with no praparitary work, but that ability seems to have gone, and now it needs effort and persistance.
I purchased 'Astral Dynamics' about three months ago and have found it very thorough and detailed compared with other books I have read over the years.
I have tried the various 'body loosening' techniques described in the book, but have not had much success with them.
However , I recently developed a new technique which works for me almost instantly.
The method is as follows -
Imagine you are sitting on one of the wooden horses on a carousel. As the carousel turns, the horse moves up and down. This gives an amazing multi-dimensional pulling (loosening) effect of the real time/astral body and certainly (for me) gives almost instant body release.
I hope this may be of use to others who struggle with this element of projection.[/b]
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