Virtual Reality Projection
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07-06-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Yami, think of it like this. Once you have a picture on your wall, and you walk into it, your subconscious mind creates an exact copy of that picture, but turns it into an actual world. It is like entering a dream once you enter the picture. Now, once you leave the edges of the picture, your subconscious mind then must create what the conscious believes will be there.
But, in answer to your question, you wouldn't be "back" at the scene, you would be in a copy of the scene created by your subconscious mind. And, yes, you can project into the picture on a computer screen also, as long as you believe you can do it, you will. I hope I didn't confuse you any.
You asked earlier how I learned to astral project. Well, about two years ago I was interested in dreams and I went looking for information on the interenet, and ended up finding information about OBE's. I started reading information for countless hours at the library (since I had no internet access back then), and saving files and reading them on my computer at home. I would say that I've read, putting all time togeather, about 500 hours, just guessing of all the time I have read, and read everyday still. Anyways, I read a bunch of techniques and tried them, and my first OBE (two months after my initial findings on the internet of astral projection), lasted an amazingly full two hours (with the first hour, coming back to my body and exiting it again within seconds). This expirence has changed my life, and since then I have had many more OBE's. But, I must say, that if it wasn't for Robert, I would have had a lot less OBE's than what I have had.
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