Just want to share my most lucid experience in some time...
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08-30-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I know they were all wearing black outfits (long tight shirts and trousers) and a black cap, and at least some of them were also wearing sunglasses. But no emblems or anything...
It felt as if they were a very generic kind of "order" squad. I didn't feel any meanness from them but more like a mechanistic cold robotic nature of simply keeping things in line, controlled and in "order".
There was no emotion... just some kind of strict mechanical order... I never felt they wanted to really hurt me in any way, just to get me out of there...
Once I jumped and were in the corridor they disappeared... as if they could not enter the corridor... they were limited to the shopping centre area... this I actually find a very interesting detail. I find it insightful as I didn't think of this until I just told you now...
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