This wouldn't be a problem if the businesses were generating enough revenues. That has been my point. And tax collectors in the US do the same, even on 940/941 and sales tax delinquencies. They cut businesses slack all the time, to a point. Unless, of course, they catch you using the $$$ for personal gain and not because of lowered revenues. They won't, however, cut you any slack on the principle. Maybe, maybe a little on the penalties and interest. They will lower the boom on fraud. So, once again, you've shed NO light on this mysterious Dominican business model. (BTW: you admit that tax collection can hurt the Dominican economy. Why, it seems like just yesterday where you waxed at length about the future of tax collection which will cause evasion to just vanish. Again, you want it both ways: the gubmint wants to help businesses with tax issues because aggressive enforcement hurts economic growth, but they will be implementing policies which will force the HUGE tax-free underground economy into the sunlight with aggressive collections.)