Has Anyone Watched "Michael and Me?" (Rebuttal to Bowling for Columbine)
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12-13-2005, 04:29 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
I have three daughters
and no sons so my daughters got to do a lot of the things a dad would normaly do with a son. All three can shoot a
pistol or a rifle competently, among a number of other skills not normally associated with girls. They are all fine
shots with either and were very easy to train. All of them are invited to the range whenever I go and often go with
me. I've been handling firearms since I was a young child and remember clearly the lessons taught me about gun
safety. My family didn't tolerate stupid actions around guns. The lessons may have been abrupt but weren't often
Texas concealed carry requires 10-15 hours classroom time plus range qualifying. The primary focus of
the classroom time is on non-violent conflict resolution, your responsibility and the law rather than on combat
skills. Then every year continuing ed and re-qualifying. I was seriously surprised to discover that they won't even
send you the application until they've done a premilinary background check. In the end, there are a lot of
concealed carry licenses issued in this state but, to date, there have been very few crimes commited with a legally
carried concealed weapon.
I think the whole assault weapons issue, along with the number of other
weapons is blown all out of proportion. It doesn't really matter what weapon a person has so much as why they want
to kill people. In reality, you can kill more people faster with car than you can with an assualt weapon. The
culture, the fear you mentioned is more likely the major cause of the problem. Taking guns away from people will not
stop the killing. Rather, I think it will be worse for law abiding citizens. The criminals will certainly have an
easier time of it when their victims are less likely to be able to fight back. I posted an article in Open
Discussion about San Francisco outlawing hand gun ownership recently. People have until April to turn them in. I
wonder just how many of the criminals will be turning in their guns. Any bets? I feel comfortable in estimating that
it will be well under 1%. Any bets on the increase in violent crimes? Does anybody believe the police will do a
better job of preventing violent criminals from having guns?
The real solutions, as implied in your post, is to
get to the root source of the fear and violence and work on fixing those problems. Taking the ability to defend
themselves away from law abiding citizens is only going to make things worse.
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