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07-11-2006, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
I was reading along after I
logged onto the internet when I bumped into an article that realy made my day.Im sure one or two of you have heard
my rants and raves in the past regarding the sinking wages in the U.S. And I am reasonable sure that many of you
have either glossed over my rantings or rejected them out of hand.But Im used to that.When I rant to people about it
on the street or at coffee the whole toppic seems to fly right over thier heads.This link leads right into it.
In 1938,Congress passed the Federal Minimum Wage Act.They established
that .25 cents per hour was the MINIMUM REASONABLE LIVING WAGE.That would provide an individual with
food,shelter,clothing and baisic expenses.Adjusted for cost of living and inflation over the last 67 years,would put
the Federal Minimum Wage at nearly $16.00 an hour.Its interesting that "prevailing wage" is calculated in exactly
that fasion.Companies that perform contract work for the government are required by law to pay "prevailing
wages."The hard numbers fluctuate up and down slightly,but in point of fact,federal jobs and contract jobs typicly
start in that neck of the woods.
The usual method of calculating wages has been a very simple formula for
years.Unskilled labor starts at...minimum wage.Semi-skilled labor typicaly gets minimum wage plus 50% and works its
way up to skilled labor,which begins around minimum wage x 2 and goes up from max out around 4x minimum
wage.The government contractors get around paying more that double by putting people on salery and calling it
good.But with a minimum wage that isnt even half of what it should be,whats a family to do?
The big seperation
began in the mid 1960's.All at once it was being discovered that there were alot of very expensive Government
programs that were going to need funding.There was a nice little war going on in South East Asia and a whole pile of
expensive toys being purchased to ward off the Soviet menace.The war on poverty began in earnest.And that is a war
that we are now,ultimatly loosing because jobs dont pay living wages anymore.All of these neat things cost alot of
money.And there are only two people in the United States who pay taxes.Consumers pay it in higher prices and
emloyees pay it in lower wages.After that its just a question of who writes the actual check.
The article above
indicates that families at or below $57,343 anual income are in trouble.Whats that work out to based on what the
minimum wage should be and its effect on the wages above it over the course of a forty hour work week?
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