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12-12-2005, 06:17 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Our government was initialy
created to include local,county,state and federal governments.Many of the things that we see being handled at the
federal level were orriginaly intended to be dealt with at the local or county or state level.Unfortunatly,many
local,county and state governments lacked the recources to handle some of them so as a result,the feds were asked to
step in.Corruption at the state level meant that your county got short changed while the neighboring county got the
lions share of the state funding.Cities or towns were neglected because the county seat had ties to some other
town,and they got the lions share.
The existance of an equitable method of tax spending required federal
intervention.Unfortunatly,in this day and age we see ass h*les like Ted Kennedy being re-elcted time and time again
simply for thier ability to "bring home the bacon." The pork you can secure for your state will dictate weather or
not you get a second term or get kicked to the curb.Thats one of the resons that we have Naval instalations in
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