What awaits them???
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10-18-2005, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
They will put a couple of the most undesirable people in jail (Pepe Goico may be one of them), but for the most part nothing else will happen. Hippo will definitely NOT go to jail. Baez figueroa and the Baninter gang will not only be freed, but I bet you they get a lot of their companies back (They are big supporters of Leonel).
A good sign that nothing will happen are statements by some of the "new" people in the government (Ditren from OMSA and others) asking people to return some of the property they had illegally taken. Saying "Please return it. We will not prosecute you". What kind of BS is this? If you took something that wasn't yours, that's called stealing and you should go to jail... All these people from RENOVE, all the policemen who take recovered stolen property for their own personal use, the whole PPH Cadre, etc, etc, etc...should all be prosecuted. We all know this will not happen...
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