correction. I do have the Si No Tengo CD ...that i bought here in the states after beeing hawked a pirated version while in the DR. Raulin DOES mix some english in on the CD ...the last cut on the cd "c'mon baby i love you" is said. On the CD i got while in the dr there are a few songs that are not on the REAL CD...and one song is half in spanish and half in english "amore de vida". (there is another artist on that track who i dont know). Anyway...go buy the legit version of the CD and give Raulin the legitimate support he deserves. I'm happy to have the pirate that i got while traveling (as it has stuff not on the real CD)..but as soon as i realized that it WAS a pirate i intended and DID buy the new CD. I was happy to find some new gems on the new cd. (my favorite new one being "te quiero" any suggestions of other cd's of his to buy? I see he has so many and well....i only really discovered him on my last trip in february. jj