Negrophobia in the D.R.
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11-26-2005, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
you have a kid and the little rascal comes out light skin. In fact, so light that he might be confused as being white either in the DR or anywhere else. There is a high chance that (as a dominican) you may have european blood mixed in your system eventhough your physical looks dark. So, what would you say then, that your kid is a light black. Face it, such kid is not black at all, just how their is a very high chance that you are not black at all, unless you want to deny the fact that you are a mulatto, you know, something different. Take a black paint and mix it with a white paint and you get GRAY. It's not black or white, it's GRAY, something different, something new. Well, I guess the samething applies to races. If anything, I am sure that you and I will agree on this, that whatever color or race you belong to, you are a dominican. That's all that really matters because when the merengue is at full volume, the rum is flowing, and you get that feeling to just get up and dance to that wonderful DOMINICAN music and drink that wonderful DOMINICAN rume, nothing else shouts out of those actions than DOMINICANIDAD, and being proud of it.
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