Hey, how many anglo speakers in DR.?
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06-12-2006, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hey, Robert , how 'bout putting together an edition and contracting out the actual printing to an establish press such as Listing Diario, El caribe etc. And maybe as a suplement to their daily editions? I can bet my shorts that you can sell lots of ad space to hotels, restaurants, and all kinds of businesses that cater to foreigners. you can publish ads in the major languages not just english. You can give free editions to arriving tourists at major airports. Correct me if I'm wrong: Isn't tourism the single most important industry in DR? How many millions of dollars does it generate annually? How about the thousands of people there that prefer to get their news in the most precised, logical language in the entire freaking universe? Viva la angla! Cogno!!
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