Spanish Rock!
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08-17-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Spanish (language) rock groups are great, the only spanish (language) genre in music where there's any chance for depth and perception in lyrics.
You should check out Heroes del Silencio when you get a chance, it's older stuff, kind of the spanish equivelant of Led Zeppelin, though from a later time period (mostly the 80's I think).
Latin American Pop culture is (in my worthless opinion) about 10 years behind Europe and North America, so spanish rock from the 80's is a fair approximation of classic rock from the 70's.
It's funny how in Europe and North America we borrow so much from traditional Latin and African music in terms of rhythms and instrumentation, and then 10 years later they recycle it all over again and serve it back to us.
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