Dominican Flu
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12-27-2005, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Wow, I must live a sheltered life in santiago. What the hell you guys are talking about? Domincians would rather eat meat and chew on rice (starch) than to eat any veggies. I am talking about the majority of poor dominicans. They may eat platanos, boiled or fried, a little beans (but only the sauce, no beans), may eat a little yuca (starch). When I say veggies I mean a green salad with tomatoes, carrots, cucumber, lettuce etc, not shreaded cabbage and vinegar. Veggies dishes could be with potatoes, spinich, squash, many variety of bean and etc. Most domincians love to eat meat with white rice and beans. Thats it. The fruits, yes, the poor eat bananas, mangos but not all the time, they are too busy drinking brugal. Most dominicans don't drink water either, just like americans. They drink beer, brugal, sweet juices and soda. hardly anyone drinks water.
So please stop this BS about dominicans eating veggies, I live among the dominicans as opposed to many of you who live in gringo towns on the beach.
So tell me andy B, if the virus claims all the illnesses then why is it that I am always healthy while you rot in the bed? Even if I do get sick from something, why is it that I am always up and running the next day while you eat a course of pills for 2 weeks?
All your flu virus research is all BS, I will kiss and eat amelia vega's tongue any day regardless of what virus strain she is under and will not get sick. No flu has ever kept me down for more than a night. I am no superman but I say I have a strong immune system.
P.S. dominicans are slim because they eat less, not necessarily healthy foods.
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