Hurricane Fabian
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10-01-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Originally posted by Ken
My experience is that after a hurricane or strong tropical storm passes through an area and is beyond the point at which you are getting the rain that accompanies the storm that the weather is very nice in the surrounding areas. The storm seems to suck all the energy out of the atmosphere so that the areas not affected by the storm have beautiful weather.
It's like the old story about the preist, the doctor, and the lawyer all stranded in a sinking boat encircled by sharks just offshore from the beach. Each makes a swim for it and gets eaten, except the lawyer, he makes it unscathed. The sharks didn't eat him out of 'professional courtesy'. Same with hurricanes. Sort of 'professional courtesy' at work. Nothing else moves until they get outta the way.
Tom (aka XR)
Looks like you'll get the waves without HB and I getting the benefit of seeing of nice storms and squalls, eh?
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