What would you do If president?
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11-13-2005, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I'd probably do the thing with the women I saw in the dictator
thread.... I'd also like a proper car, presidents need Ferraris too!!
Apart from that, I don't know really..
Education would be a good thing but there are things to be said
about that. Educating people a large number of people for a small
number of jobs won't really do a country much good, unless the
graduate in Political Science also knows how to make a hamburger, or knows the streets well enough to drive a taxi. Alas,
I'm short on both accounts.
Filling universities and schools with
people keeps the unemployment figures lower, it also makes
sure the unemployed are highly qualified for jobs they'll never get.
However, educating people to facilitate development of some sort of civic culture and equipping them with relevant skills is important, imho.
Methinks that the most important factor to get a country on track
is neither funds nor skills, but proper policies sustained over time.
Such policies are rarely there, and though governments should play an active role in managing the economy, most governments
have proven themselves quite useless in doing so. Then they blame the IMF and the World Bank, but that's another story.
DR really shouldn't be in the mess that it is in. I suppose it is in that elite group of states, like Italy, that runs more smoothly when there's no government in place.
Disposal of garbage functions quite well in my opinion. Just throwing whatever rubbish you have on the street for the poor
to pick up,or the dogs to eat/poor to eat or dogs to pick up, is more cost-effective than wasting a lot of money on paying people
to collect and transport all of it to one spot and then let the poor/dogs have it. Just my two oeres.
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