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10-01-2006, 08:00 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Direct TV: get the program where you have to buy the BS pay-per-view programs. In order to see the pay-per-view you have to actually go through the 3 simple steps of purchasing it. In reality, you are not purchasing a damn thing just a few steps to activate the channels. The rest of the channels work fine including all the movie channels ex: HBO, show time, cinamax etc etc. This is the only reliable program that stays up for as long as 3-4 months. The bad part is that you can only charge up 24 pay-per-views and then the card max's out. Then you would have to have it reprogrammed. If you don't buy all the BS pay-per-view movies then the card stays on for 3-4 months.
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