MUST READ: Beards & Imam Shafi'i r.a.
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03-02-2012, 09:45 PM
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MUST READ: Beards & Imam Shafi'i r.a.
I just stumbled upon this article by Majlisul Ulama of South Africa, led by Hadhrat Mufti A S Desai.
What a thorough refutation to those who try to distort and misrepresent the orthodox teachings of Imam Shafi'i rahmatullah 'alaih.!
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Q. Dr. Amjad Rasheed al-Maqdisi, Dean of the Islamic Law faculty at Ahqaf University in Yemen has published an article in which he proves that according to the Shaafi’ Mathhab it is permissible to shave off the entire beard even without valid cause. He cites proof
from the classical works of the Shaafi’ Fuqaha. Is it correct that the Shaafi’ Math-hab allows shaving the beard?
ANSWER We do have the article and are currently preparing a thorough response and refutation to the ghutha (rubbish)
which the Dean has disgorged in his satanic attempt to prove what not a single Shaafi Faqeeh nor any other authority of the
Shariah of all four Math-habs has ever said. Maqdisi’s contention is absolutely baatil drivel. He has abortively laboured to
extravasate support for his condonation of the haraam, shaitaani, kufr practice of shaving the beard. No Shaafi Faqeeh
ever has held the haraam view which this Dean of the University is peddling. The Dean does not understand what he has read in the Shaafi’ kutub of Fiqh. Only a moron interprets the Ahaadith and the rulings of the Shaafi’ Math-hab to eke out support for the kaafir
practice of shaving the beard. The Dean has attempted to burnish his stupidity with citations from the Shaafi’ kutub of Fiqh
of which his understanding is dismal. The Dean’s extravagation from the simple, straightforward view upheld by the Ijma’ of the Sahaabah and Ummah is tantamount to kufr. Was there ever a Nabi whose face resembled the ugly shaved face of a kaafir? Was there any Sahaabi who had ever shaved off his beard? Did Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) ever shave his beard? Did any of the Auliya, Fuqaha, Muhadditheen and the Ulama of the Ummah ever shave their beards? The Deans sensorium is surely polluted with coprophilic
tendencies, hence his brains appear to be the victim of vermiculation. Only a diseased mind is capable of flaunting the type of ghutha which Maqdisi has disgorged. Our refutation will be in the form of a book which shall, Insha’Allah, demolish Maqdisi’s rubbish from every angle. According to all Four Math-habs it is HARAAM to shave the beard, and of the four Mathhabs, the Shaafi’ viewpoint is
the most rigid and uncompromising. While the other three Math-habs allow cutting the beard beyond the fist-length, the Shaafi’ Math-hab does not condone even this despite the existence of Ahaadith to prove the permissibility of cutting the beard when it is longer than one fist length.
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