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Old 01-09-2006, 07:00 AM   #5

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Every religion has a right and even a duty to define itself by its rules. One of the rules of Christianity is that marriage is only between a man and a woman. But that definition is for Christians. If you are not a Christian you may have other definitions of "marriage" and you are free to live by your rules. You are free to make any contract you wish with anyone you wish, including "marriage" as defined by you, or Power of Attorney for Health Care or money matters. You are even free to set up your own religion that includes homosexuals and marries them. So what exactly is your beef? You are even free to marry a goat if you want----just not by the rules of this particular society.

Marriage is also a "social contract" that has been recognized by the state and defined by the majority of this society which happens to be Christian. However, the rules of the social contract could be changed if the majority decided it needed changing. So far they have not. Most of that sort of unwillingness to change has nothing to do with religious belief but more to do with the economics, since it would put a lot of our present laws into a tailspin. It also has to do with giving "rights" to one group and therefore having to give "rights" to another group, such as polygamy or group marriages. In that case, just who would get the social security benefits or the insurance benefits? The head wife or husband, or all of them? And how expensive would that be? And who would pay for it?

Personally I think the law is fine just as it is. Marriage is mainly a benefit for the sake of children. I can tell you that if I were a homosexual I wouldn't try to change the rules, because I am free to live by my own rules anyhow, even in this society. I am free to make any contract I wish with anyone I wish, male or female. And I would make that contract without trying to change the rules as my culture has determined them over thousands of years. I do a lot of things and make a lot of decisions about my personal life that my culture may or may not approve of, but as long as I am not causing societal or economic chaos or personal damage to anyone else, I am also free to do that. Every homosexual is free to do the same.
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