Is Christianity about morals?
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04-21-2006, 07:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I just wanted to expound on some of the things Thomas was saying. As far as Christianity not being about morals, I totally agree... to a point.
During Jesus' earthly ministry, he chose some of the roughest, incompetent, and frankly some of the poorest examples of humankind to be his disciples. Peter was a hothead, James and John were supremely pompous and arrogant, Phillip may have been a heavy gambler. Add to the mix dead drunks, skeptics, and social outcasts and you have Jesus' first apostles. I've got to say that His choice of trainees shows a lot about the character of God. The people that follow Him listen to what He says not because He tells them to, but because they love Him. That, in it's essence sums up morality in Christianity for me. If I feel like God has revealed something I should or should not be doing (i.e. through scripture) then I will try my hardest not to do it. Again, not because I feel obligated to, but because I generally love God, and want to do what he wants me to do.
Here's where it gets tricky. Is morality the same for everybody? For every Christian even? Not exactly. I definitely think that some things are pretty much set in stone (that was a poor attempt at humor, remember those ten commandments?). Don't murder, don't steal, don't steal your neighbors wife... those are all pretty much universal. I really believe that, and I may be getting off TomMalufs original point, a lot of the doctrinal bickering about what type of music to play, and when is a good time to do this, and inappropriate ways to worship/dress/whatever are nothing more than nonsense arguments caused by fallible humans trying to organize an infallible God.
I lost my train of thought. But there's my two sense, now I have to take a shower.
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