Is Christianity about morals?
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01-03-2006, 07:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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mb, I'd also like to point out that there is a difference between being homosexual (physically attracted to members of the same gender) and practicing homosexuality (having sex with members of the same gender). Its like having a temper, its something that you will have to deal with one way or another, and just giving in to it is viewed as wrong by many people. Also while we're quoting scripture, didn't Jesus say, "let he who is sinless cast the first stone?" Just because someone has things they struggle with doesn't make them evil or immoral, and accepting and supporting someone struggling with any given sin doesn't mean that you are accepting the sin, just the person. You've kind of attacted a straw man, saying (if I understand your post correctly) "Look, they have someone who has a bad quality, so therefore morallity has nothing to do with Christianity." The question is not if all Christians are moral (hint: they aren't) but if Christianity is based on morals. I believe it is in a certian sense, in that Christianity is about becoming close to God and acting according to His will. Since Christians believe that God is the source and essence of Goodness and Right, striving to act in accord with His will is the same as striving to do what is good and right. Morallity is normally accept to mean trying to do the right thing, so really being a Christian implies having a certian morallity by definition. Non-christians may argue that it is a false morallity, but that really falls outside of the scope of this discussion.
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