Randy Couture Vs James Toney
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08-29-2010, 09:18 AM
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Oct 2005
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Cant see the washed up boxing winning it.
That washed up boxer was 5 years younger than MMA fighter. Toney is 42, couture is 47, and Toney still holds is hw title TODAY!! That is not washed up
By the time a boxer has the skills to beat an MMA fighter he is no longer a boxer but an MMA fighter. One style can not do it, that has been the way it has been for a long time. For those who did not know better, welcome to 1996 were the rest of us figured it out.
What I saw Toney do tonight was pathetic and I don't think I know any heavy weight UFC fighter that could not do the same exact thing to the current boxing champ.
If Toney has any use left in him for the UFC it would be against a guy that would stand with him. He has no shot of beating anyone with basic high school wrestling skills, he has the ground game of a dead walrus, I mean, fuck, douche did not even move his hips!!!!
The only fight I want to see Toney fight is with Cro cop, cause Cro cop will stand and go toe to toe and I would like to see his high level boxing vs a high level MMA striker, I actually think Toney would win that fight. Regardless, point is made, boxing is a small part of fighting, and if you are only good at one aspect, you are still not good at fighting. The best a boxer can do is get a flash knockout early
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