To Whom it May Concern: My American brethren, the English like to bust our balls mostly in part due to the reactions you give them. It's not necessarily mean spirited, it's their sense of humor so stop making asses of yourself by taking it personally and flipping out like girls in Jr. High...yes, I saw your note in study hall. (PS: See the bit below about making generalizations when you've not experienced something). Having said that... My lovely English friends (and I'll extend this to others as well). Stop making broadstroke generalizations about all of us being fat, stupid, lazy, or not able to understand a simple game like soccer/football. Until you've been here, met a vast majority in person (not online), stop with the generalizing or categorizing because you really don't know and you end up alienating the vast majority of us who do "get it." Thank you, BlackCherry PS: Vamos Uruguay