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Old 04-07-2008, 11:17 PM   #23

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Oct 2005
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Hey Nelslus - did you guys get to see the Jenkins/Soeda match, by any chance? Wondering about your impressions of Jenkins -- has he got anything in your opinion?
Thanks for asking, kandi. Yes, we did see this match. I'm a little late in posting about this (but will also now post about what we saw today) because of exhaustion due to: a. this has truly been a tennis orgy for two weeks- with Wimbledon and Winnetka- and I am definitely feeling it; 2. got a bit of a cold now- the temperature dropped MAJORLY last night (so bad that we didn't stay for the doubles)- and even though we had coats on- I just don't do well with constant temperature changes; and, 3. the typical V and Rog-induced crap sleep. Gotta say, I've gotten more sleep than usual for a Slam season. But, still- it ain't exacty restful sleep.

SO- to briefly summarize the two latest matches that we saw:

1. Jenkins d. Soeda. 7-5, 7-6 (5). Saw this last night. Jenkins won this match in a way that I totally did not expect- and that I find potentially quite encouraging. He out-steadied and out-lasted the NUMBINGLY steady Soeda- even saving a set point in the first set. I've always thought that Scoville has a lot of talent- a lot of shots- but has been too much of a hot-head for far too long. His "A" game- hitting shrieking winners and all- was most definitely not working. He also DID get hot-headed a couple of times- smashing balls and yelling and all that (with no warnings- the ump majorly gave him a break with giving him no warnings.) But, he calmed down very quickly- and just rallied with Soeda until Go made some (and too many) uncharacteristic errors. Scoville also has a nice serve- still needs to work on the volley and coming to net more on better approach shots. Again- I was encouraged by this match.

2. Ram d. Dorsch, 4-6, 6-4, 6-4. The Handsome match- nice looking guys (not Gregorc-Level Yum, mind you- gotta get some more junk-in-the-trunk for THAT nelslus vote of confidence, dontchaknow. But, handsome fellows, nevertheless.) Because of the factors listed above (plus, ya KNOW I was watchin' Wimbledon Live as long as I could- my man had to TEAR me away from seeing the Bob/Sam d. Huber/Murray match- WOO HOO for being able to see this later on the site), we got to Winnetka today late and missed the first result- listed as Jenkins d. Kendrick 4-5 (ret.) Wouldn't you know, as we walked in we saw a player walking by with a knee all taped up and limping terribly. Since I had no idea what the hell Kendrick looks like (his parents probably don't either, for that matter)- we didn't know until later that this was Kendrick. Folks told us that Kendrick had a lead, but started limping noticably until he finally had to quit. Looked REAL ugly- poor guy. I have no idea if he walked on the court with a problem or if it happened during the match. Winnetka people apparently aren't the most observant people on the planet.

We ALSO got there to hear Ram losing the first set from the ump's microphone. They sell burgers and dogs from the barbecue- and you all KNOW that especially a lunch-less nelslus is gonna get him a burger before worrying about V-less and Roger-less tennis. Of course, we then had to run to make sure that we got in before the second set started. Still, we're talkin' about a burger from the grill, folks.

Ram got down 3-0 in the second (one break)- and we figured at that point- we ain't gonna get much live tennis today. Up until then, Ram's game still looked pretty but far too lightweight, and Dorsch (who I now looked up on ITF- he's 26 and ranked 229) just seemed too solid. Ram was just slicing too much and not coming to net enough (and when he did, on nothing approaches.) Furthermore, each game in the second set was close- so, there were ample opportunities for Dorsch to put this match away. But, Ram just simply picked up his game. Everything got bigger- his serve, he hit harder, hit his slices sharper and came to net a lot more steadily- albeit, he will need to watch out for backing off from potential approach shots during big points. Mind you, Ram also had many games in both sets where he'd win the first two points (both serving and returning), and then struggle the rest of the games. Over and over again. Still, the major break came at one of Ram's break points against Dorsch at 4-all in the second when an approach shot of Ram's was called in (that Dorsch could do nothing with)- that could just as easily have been called out. And, trust me, this is a statement that Dorsch would fully endore. Let's just say, Dorsch just didn't take this call real well (understandably.) Up until that very point, I did think that Dorsch would take this match. After that point- it was Ram's to win or lose. Dorsch never got his focus back, really- the third set was so close mostly because of Ram's hitting errors too much, or becoming alternatingly too passive or way too aggressive at times.

Still, Ram's game is lovely to see. If he plays at his best, I see him beating Scoville. However, note that Ram had only won one singles match since early February until Winnetka. So, he didn't come in here with oodles of confidence in singles, you'd think. Scoville has won a lot more singles matches as of late. Hope it'll be a good match. The singles final is tomorrow night at 6:30 p.m., with the doubles match to follow (of course, Kendrick had to default his doubles SF today.)

I for sure think that these four players have enough talent and ability to make it to the main tour- albeit I don't see Slam titles in their futures, either. Ain't likely to happen for Dorsch, being 26. (Although to be fair it DOES seem like there are more of those players-coming-out-of-the-woodworks-doing-great-WAY-late-in-their-careers stories than ever before these days. Tennis can truly be nutty at times.) Ram's also 24- but, he obviously is already a factor in doubles. Go's close with a 124 ranking- but, he's also 24. Jenkins has time on his side the most, as he'll turn 22 in August. Still, I suspect that the clock's already ticking too hard for Dorsch, Go's game is just TOO based on being steady with nothing that I saw that will dictate results, Ram's game may still be too lightweight for consistent singles success- and, Scoville's gotta make a run, STAT. Scoville also needs to REALLY make that forehand his dependable killer shot. They ALL could stand having a real killer shot, for that matter.
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