Wimbledon Advıce
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06-16-2011, 06:12 AM
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Oct 2005
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Wimbledon Advıce
Hi all. I need a little help. I'm going to Wimbledon this year. I'll be there the firıst week, most likely Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I went once before and queued up and it was a great experience. My questiıons are:
1. I'm not goiıng to queue up over night. Is there any other way to get a ticket to a show court (instead of a grounds pass)? There is no way to buy tickets (at a reasonable cost, something near face value) from someone who has a ticket but can't go, right?
2. I know that there is a resale line (people who have show court tickets but who don't want to stay for the later matches turn in their tickets and the club resells them for chariıty). If I get in that line as soon as I get insıde the grounds, is it likely that I would be able to buy a ticket fairly soon or would I probably have to wait a long time (and miss a lot of matches).
If anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it. And sorry if this is the wrong place for posting this.
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