You have got to be kidding me. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. I wake up all anxious in the middle of the night for this crap? To lose to Nancy? My apologies in advance to Dry. You were right. I love you, V. But, I have just got to be done with this crap. Don't want to hear one damned excuse. The wind. The conditions. Any injuries. You're up 5-2 in the third. You have a match point at 5-4. Of course, you hit the ball out on your match point. You should be able to figure things out by now. LEARN HOW TO PLAY AGAINST DEFENSIVE PLAYERS ALREADY. LEARN TO HIT THE DAMNED BALL. GET SOME DAMNED COACHING. FIGURE THIS OUT. But, do it on your time. You're on your own except for one tournament, where maybe I'll care again. Nothing takes away from Venus' incredible legacy. Again, I'll always love you. But, as had to happen with Monica, and Mary Pierce and....I actually BELIEVED she was going to win this tournament. I get it. No Aussie, no French (well, I already got the French wasn't gonna happen.) DAMN IT.