Racial slurs are unacceptable. With that said, it seems unlikely to me that there were more than a few people yelling anything racial. It is especially suspicious given the main source is Richard Williams who is a big idiot whose integrity is very suspect. The secondary source is Venus who you would expect would protect her father. So, I don't really believe that there was a significant racial aspect to this other than a possible moron or two who should have been ejected if they could be found. In many sports, athletes are booed. Often this is for no good reason. Vince Carter is mercilessly booed when he plays basketball in Toronto because of the way he left the team. He plays on. Many teams or people are booed when the put in subpar performance. We, as tennis fans, are usually more polite. Every athlete needs to get over the booing. It's part of the risk that's taken. I think it's definitely plausible that given Richard Williams was involved that the match was fixed. It was not a ridiculous conclusion and the fans booed. Get over, take your money and move on. The Williams can skip the event but there should be no special exemptions and they can face the penalty if that's what they choose to do. They should take the high road and return. This sort of stupid grudge is an example of why we humans get in so many pointless battles in which no one wins.