Looks like Serbs have some serious breakfasts. Breakfast Breakfast in Serbia is an early but hearty meal. Tea, milk or strong coffee is served, pastries or bread are served with butter, jam, yoghurt, sour cream and cheese, accompanied by bacon, sausages, salami, scrambled eggs and kajmak. Various sorts of (often with cheese, meat... filled) pastries (pogačice, žu-žu, paštete, kifle, perece, buhtle, pletenice, štapići) and especially often: Burek Kačamak (also Cicvara) - a type of polenta Popara Proja(cornbread) Various sandwiches Bread with something:Bread, (often butter) and honey Bread, (often butter) and jam Bread, lard and sugar Bread and kajmak http://www.answers.com/topic/serbian-cuisine