CFB makes some pretty good points (especially the part about Eli Manning being vastly overrated). With the way revenue sharing works and tv being the bulk of any team's money, the NFL really does have the worst argument for having a salary cap out of the four major sports. I do disagree with him that it doesn't help create parity though. However, I see the potential for abuse from "small market" teams in the NFL being far greater than they are in MLB. Some of those "small market" baseball teams take that revenue sharing and sit on their hands with their perennial crappy teams and are fine with it because they are making a profit. If you do that in the NFL where revenue sharing is a far greater percentage of a team's money (I would assume), then what stops a team from sitting on their hands and making a great profit with their revenue sharing. I know the cap doesn't force teams to spend money, but I think it indirectly makes them. I also believe it keeps the doldrums of the league far more competitive with the elite teams, even if many of those teams on each side of the spectrum stay there for a long time.