I don't really care if the players put up their own money for a pool. Whatever. Big hits are part of the game. You don't think, bounty or not, players aren't trying to hurt star players? I'm not talking broken necks or torn ACL's or something, but little dings that will knock them out for a game or two, or at the least, hamper their effectiveness. Where it gets to be an issue to me is when people other than players put up money. Coaches, and especially owners, begin to put up money, and they can now entice free agents to come with the promise of more money. Encentives that aren't in the contract, thus not counting against the cap. I especially don't like it that someone from outside the organization was involved. As was mentioned earlier in the thread, there's a good chance he was betting on these games. If this is allowed to continue, we're only a few steps away from gamblers controlling the games again...