So because a formula is not perfect, it has NO merit, or use as a discussion point? By that gauge, OXS, which is 98.5% accurate in predicting runs scored, should be thrown out, because it is not perfect? I didn't say it was the be all end all. I said 'according to, polamalu wasn't the best player in the league", and you jumped all over my shit, as if I were holding this up as the holy grail of football rankings. I didn't even say I AGREED. I just said "this is what these guys say" and posted a link. I swear to christ, people get so god damn touchy around here about debating ANYTHING any more. We're not supposed to talk about Jordy Nelson's drops (because the Packers won). We can't talk about Aaron Rodgers maybe not succeeding outside Green Bay. And now I can't use a less-than-PERFECT reference as a point of discussion. I don't know why we even bother with his shit anymore. Nobody wants to discuss or debate, they just want to be right.