Cat in the hat - great post, I agree with you man. Sportz - I'm saying he knew about it - no way he didn't know about the dog fighting and the betting - however the "atrocities" that have people going nuts (the drowning, hanging, rape stands, etc), I'm not so sure what he really knew of - because he didn't have too. Your point is well taken on the dime bag business, but the feds better sure as hell be working as hard to nail sports bookie's and shit. I understand Vick is the shark, and is the guy you want to get - I get that, but there are greater things going on (I'll try to keep this from being political) that our attention (as a society) can and should be devoted too. I think this is a case of how organizations when they really want to dial in on somebody, can be ridiuclously influental. Again, Vick is at fault and whatever comes to him he deserves, I just think this is getting ridiculous and I'd hope that every major player in teh dogfighting world has the wrath of Peta and every other organization that has come down on Vick, get down on them