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08-24-2012, 07:58 PM
Join Date
Nov 2005
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I prefer the stuff from
Hunting Alberta Bear Hunts Whitetail Deer Hunts Elk Hunts Wolf Hunts Gopher Hunts Alpine Outfitters Alberta Canada Hunting Guides
Don't get me wrong Ruffwear is great, but why pay their obscene prices when you can get very economical equiment from people who really know mushing equipment...
If I ever get a bike I'm totally doing ti with Lily. She already knows directionals and stuff. i would recommend getting Lee Fishback's book called Training Lead Dogs. I didn't use his aversives, but there is some really valuable info on the mechanics of creating a lead dog if you ignore the violent crap. I got it for like six bucks on
Lily and Scout do work well as a team, but Scout outweighs Lily by quite a bit and I don't trust her extreme prey drive, so despite Lily being a good leader I don't think I'll ever team them up. In any case, teach your dog to lead and follow the proper commands before you actually do it (or carting/scootering) because otherwise you can really f yourself up. I know someone who really screwed up her hip in a carting crash because she didn't teach either of her Sibes to be a lead dog....
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