n'other question =)
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07-17-2011, 07:11 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Well. look at it this way - the WORST that can happen is that you put on weight on those 'off' days at the slow speed you did before this diet. When you stick to the diet properly, you will LOSE weight much more quickly. So you can manage the odd bad carb day, remembering though that telling a kid 'no sweets' and then giving them sweets makes them more insistent next time you say no, so it's best to get your body cravings sorted right from the start. And once you have your insulin response properly under control, you will be able to handle more carbs without putting weight back on - this is the second and third stages in Atkins, where you start to try other foods and see how you respond. So it's not 'no cake' for ever and ever!
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