Looking for the Perfect Golf Workout???
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08-03-2011, 04:44 AM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
I've posted this before in the yoga thread, sorry to sound like a broken record. We've had a few teachers come through the shop and highly recommend yoga as well. Here are some basic poses you can work on (I know it's the women's blog, but it's still good for the guys).
There are other core exercises in the exercise section too that probably would be great for the core. One thing my husband sees time and time again is that you don't have to be big or huge to get amazing yardage. We've had petite men (both in size and height) in on our simulator and knock the ball 300 yds. My husband has noticed that their flexibility is amazing. So if it's indeed yardage you'd like, you might consider the yoga/stretching route.
Good luck!
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