Couch Potato to 5K beginners running program
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09-06-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
So true. I always wanted to run, but never never could. I had this idea that I would run a marathon before I turned 40. I've made several attempts over the years, but usually made it to the corner. I used to smoke, and have always had slight asthma. In my 30's I began getting bronchitis on a yearly basis.
At 37, after my 3rd child, I realized that 40 was coming up. I ran to see how far I could go (I was working out regularly at this time), but only made it 1/2 mile, then spent the week with shin-splints. I did some research and found this program. I've been hooked ever since
I still have 6-months until I'm 40.
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